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December 2023

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Is One More American Than the Other? A Prosecutor’s Perspective By: Kathryn Marsh Recently, around this time of year, there appears to be a lot of debate about using “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” in fact it’s become such a hot button issue that there is now political polling on what phrase should be used […]

Unveiling the Inner Child: Navigating Parenting Through Healing and Authenticity

By: Tina Hamilton, The Healing Parent (Parenting POV) Imagine for a moment that you’re at the playground with your toddler after a long, sleepless night with your newborn, now (of course) asleep in the stroller. As your oldest independently explores the toddler-friendly equipment, you plop on a bench, and with one eye on the playground, […]

Nurturing Our Inner Child: A Journey of Reparenting and Spiritual Connection

Deep within ourselves there exists our pure essence—a tender soul within us, longing to be acknowledged and nurtured. This essence, known as the inner child, is the keeper of our emotions, memories, experiences, and our innocence. It is within the depths of this sacred space that we discover the transformative power of connecting with our […]